2 years 6 months on………



I’m back! I must be honest and say it’s by default I actually intended to start a new blog today – totally different subject matter but  you know how it is, a bit like when you start sifting through old photo albums I began recapping my old posts and three hours later….

Anyway to bring you up to date.  I’m doing ok,  no constant knee pain as was previously the case, however I do have another issue that I am going to have to address and that is my hip/lower back – that’s for another day.

My t boverall walking mobility has reduced but I am doing gentle exercise so I can live with that. My mental well being in terms of confidence and positivity remains good (more good days than bad). My blog title ‘It’s not been kneesy’ turns out to be very apt!

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Progress…..slow but sure


Negative stuff first- family upset continues, I’ve had to step back for my health and the other family members.

Positive stuff… My aerobics classes are going really really well, so much so that the instructor recommended I try a slightly more advanced class. So Monday this week I did just that!  Considerably more challenging but I loved it! I’ll start properly in September so meanwhile I’ll continue with the ‘lite’ class. U3a have definitely opened up a new path to me and I recommend  them 100%.

Slightly negative is the fact my knee is sore, I’ve begun the ‘icing’ procedure again – I probably should never have stopped!  I also heard that if the scarring is still red then you can triple that for how inflamed it is on the inside. My scar is patchy – white in parts but quite red and angry in others. Therefore I think I need to go back to basics I’ve committed the usual mistake of assuming no pain = totally healed….silly silly mistake! I also need to consider that now I am exercising (albeit gently) this is bound to have an impact.

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Return of the prodigal…..


I cannot believe its been 3 months since I last posted.  You know the saying “time flies when your enjoying yourself” – well its only partially true in my case.  I have had a lot going on, the good stuff was a holiday, a couple of visits to see my lovely daughter in London and finally making the big decision to sell our home of 35 years and look for something smaller with no stairs!  My knee has been mostly good, but the bad times have been miserable.  Stairs are not getting any easier, my walking capacity is quite frankly rubbish and that is a bit depressing – not that it was wonderful before but it has definitely deteriorated. The swelling (post-op) does not seem to be reducing as much as I had hoped either.

The bad stuff has been awful – family related. One of my sons repeatedly embarks on ‘difficult’ relationships (I should call them projects really!!) He attracts ‘wounded animals’ and thinks he can ‘fix’ them.  I know this sounds wonderful and caring, but it is also quite draining and tiresome.  I won’t go into details but we are at a crossroads with him at the moment and I don’t know which path he is going to take. I guess we just have to be here for him when the next ‘ let down’ happens – and it will…it always does.  My elderly parents are getting frailer by the day and my hubbie has (potentially) a prostate problem that he is not dealing with very well.

O the up side I have found a great exercise class I can actually do! Its through U3A (www.u3a.org.uk) The class is Aerobics Lite and suits me very well because the movements are gentle and at your own pace – hopefully I can progress onto a slightly ‘harder’ class in a few weeks but for the moment I am very happy! U3A is a great organisation with lots of activities and levels of participation – have a look at their web-site.

Now that I have my mojo back I’ll try to post a bit more regularly.

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Knowing your limitations and accepting them are two very different things.


I’ve never been sporty even with two good legs. I can only assume I went into nanny mode when my five year old grandson suggested I went in goal – he did say he would “go easy with me” and nannies can’t say no…. at least this one can’t!

The ‘game’ didn’t last long – the effects are still being felt. Clearly my new knee doesn’t like unexpected physical activity. It’s swollen, bruised and painful and I didn’t even move about that much. I am icing as much this week as in the first week post-op! Thankfully I haven’t needed pain-killers I do have a high pain threshold. Anyway I definitely won’t be repeating that activity again – that is one limitation I will accept!

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Feeling a bit flat……


It’s Easter week-end weather is ok, my knee is feeling good and I am free of the usual ‘niggles’ that can affect my mobility. So why am I feeling so flat?

My Lenten sacrifice of no alcohol is now over so maybe it’s the re-introduction of red wine into my diet, or maybe the fact that during my ‘no alcholol’ period I’ve eaten more sweets and chocolates than in the whole of the previous year? There is also some family stuff going on with my son, and there is always the on-going sadness of the situation with my only grandson – I wish it was in my power to fix that but it isn’t 😢

We haven’t had any interest at all since putting our house on the market, and whilst I’m not desperate about that it does leave you a bit in ‘limbo’

On the plus side my daughters knee improves by the day and she’ll soon be back to her keep fit which will lift her spirits 😊 only 29 days to go to our holiday so the sweeties are now off limits!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter and lots of sunshine this summer to lift (mine) and your spirits!

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Nurse for a day……..or ten


Following months of pain my daughter has had to succumb to an arthroscopy and tendon release in her right knee 😞

With my ‘wealth’ of experience in ‘knee related ailments’ I have been playing nurse for a few days – funny how I can remember without any problem all the instructions I have been given 😉 – definitely a case of do as I say and not as I do! I’ve also realised I can be so bossy! She is day 9 post/op and doing really well. Being a really disciplined and focused person, and given that she has a ‘goal’ in the form of getting fit for a 10k run in July she is icing for England and doing her exercises religiously!

The big benefit for me is having her company for a whole week 😀

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Feeling grateful……


I have just read an article highlighting the difficulties (emotional and physical) that people with poor healing capabilities have.

I have just recovered from another of the bacterial infections that plague me all to frequently. However I have recovered, and my body has responded to the help given by the antibiotics and for this I am grateful. My emotional well-being is in tact because of the understanding of my family and friends and for this I am also grateful.

It is human nature to block out the bad times when the good times roll and that is fine, just never stop being grateful. 😊

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Look no further than my blog title!


Today I am feeling emotionally drained. My stump became infected resulting in yet another massive dose of anti-biotics. Added to this we are again being put through the emotional wringer by my son’s ex…….just when you think it’s safe to go into the water and all that!

It’s so frustrating when I try to exercise, even a short daily walk results in me being rendered immobile for god knows how long!

I’m ending this little rant now because I could end up moaning for ever.

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Having a bad day


Feeling quite low today. It helps that I know the reason, its pain pure and simple. Every time I have an ‘episode’ I vow to cherish the days when I take a step and feel no pain, of course that’s not what happens is it?

I could ramble on and feel more and more sorry for myself but I’m not going to do that. Back to the ice-pack and being a couch potato for a few days.

Back soon xxx

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I repeat…….one step forward two steps back.

one step

I’m using this title even though I have used it before. I’ve got to admit I am pleasantly surprised that it was October 30th 2013 when I did, but a little sad that yet again my good intentions and resolve to get fit are again thwarted by pain 😞

I’ve been here so many times over the past 40 years since my accident changed my life ( notice I am not saying ruined it, or spoilt it). It just sometimes feels that I continue to pay a price. Admittedly when things are going well you don’t have that thought process, but as you get older, less mobile and more aware of your mortality it’s hard not to feel a ‘bit hard done to’ All I want is to be able to walk my dog for 15 mins every day and not pay the high price of being immobile for days on end afterwards. It’s not my new knee that’s letting me down it’s my stump on my amputated leg – I get a build up of hard skin (despite treating it everyday) the skin cracks and becomes very sore that = immobility! If I don’t try and exercise then my blood pressure becomes volatile, I just don’t know how to manage it.

It is a measure to the strength of the human spirit that I and many many other people in similar situations keep trying. 🌅

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