Tag Archives: Cold

The long and winding road


As I prepare to enter week two with no energy, cold sores, aching limbs and a sore throat I now have a cough and a sore chest to add to the list!  Clearly my immune system is on strike, or at the very least a ‘go slow’  I am trying to justify this by remembering that my body has been through a bit of trauma this year and stuck indoors pretty much most of the summer.  I also believe that taking vitamin supplements is a waste of time and no substitute for fresh air, sunshine and keeping physically active (within your capabilities of course). 

I was due to see my knee surgeon for a follow-up appointment this coming week – it’s 8 weeks since my last appointment. However, when I rang to check my appointment time I was told he’d cancelled all his clinics until January to go on holiday, thanks for letting me know! 

I’m going to finish now – this exertion has tired me out.

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