Tag Archives: swelling

Return of the prodigal…..


I cannot believe its been 3 months since I last posted.  You know the saying “time flies when your enjoying yourself” – well its only partially true in my case.  I have had a lot going on, the good stuff was a holiday, a couple of visits to see my lovely daughter in London and finally making the big decision to sell our home of 35 years and look for something smaller with no stairs!  My knee has been mostly good, but the bad times have been miserable.  Stairs are not getting any easier, my walking capacity is quite frankly rubbish and that is a bit depressing – not that it was wonderful before but it has definitely deteriorated. The swelling (post-op) does not seem to be reducing as much as I had hoped either.

The bad stuff has been awful – family related. One of my sons repeatedly embarks on ‘difficult’ relationships (I should call them projects really!!) He attracts ‘wounded animals’ and thinks he can ‘fix’ them.  I know this sounds wonderful and caring, but it is also quite draining and tiresome.  I won’t go into details but we are at a crossroads with him at the moment and I don’t know which path he is going to take. I guess we just have to be here for him when the next ‘ let down’ happens – and it will…it always does.  My elderly parents are getting frailer by the day and my hubbie has (potentially) a prostate problem that he is not dealing with very well.

O the up side I have found a great exercise class I can actually do! Its through U3A (www.u3a.org.uk) The class is Aerobics Lite and suits me very well because the movements are gentle and at your own pace – hopefully I can progress onto a slightly ‘harder’ class in a few weeks but for the moment I am very happy! U3A is a great organisation with lots of activities and levels of participation – have a look at their web-site.

Now that I have my mojo back I’ll try to post a bit more regularly.

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